Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
A Life in a Nutshell
I was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1936, i.e., in the wrong place at the wrong time. Accordingly, I've lived an unusually 'colorful' life in seven different countries. I hardly survived World War II and served both as president of a university and as an unemployed refugee.
I was educated in Hungary and Russia: M.S. in Engineering Physics (with honors) from the Polytechnical University of Leningrad, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Electrotechnical University of Leningrad, D.Tech. from the Polytechnical University of Budapest and D.Sc. (a degree of exceptional distinction) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
I've worked in such areas as Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Electron and Ion Beams and Optics, Neural Networks, Physical Electronics, Electromagnetics, Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, N-person Games, Complexity, Agent-Based Simulation, Science and Education Policy, Management and Administration. I am the author of 12 books, over 170 scholarly publications and 2 patents. I am a member of numerous societies and professional organizations and am listed in a number of reference books, such as Who's Who in the World.
I have worked at research institutes and universities like Cornell, Stanford, Berkeley, University of Chicago, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hungarian National Institute for Neurosurgery, Aarhus University, Delft Technological University, University of Heidelberg, Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics, several universities in New Zealand, etc., etc. I have been a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona since 1982.
I have been seriously studying history and social philosophy since my adolescent years. My book How To Save Our Country: A Nonpartisan Vision for Change was favorably compared with Arthur Schlesinger's The Disuniting of America in a scholarly review. As a university professor, a frequent public speaker, and a regular seminar leader on issues of social philosophy, I have many years of experience in public speaking.
In 1993, I founded The Tucson Institute, a nonpartisan nonprofit educational organization for better citizenship and for the promotion of integrity, honesty, and responsibility in political, business, and social relations. I serve as President of The Tucson Institute.
My numerous hobbies include travel, swimming, literature, music, philately, graphology, languages (four of them), mathematical & computer games.
I am a liberal conservative.
I have two wonderful sons and five delightful grandchildren.
My current research interests are complexity, emergence, N-person games, and agent-based nonlinear dynamic system simulation with emphasis on simulation of large organizations and social phenomena.